Present Funding
A Universal Approach for Solving Real-World Problems Using Quantum Dynamics: Coherent States for Molecular Simulations (COSMOS), EPSRC (EP/X026973/1). CoI, Amount: £6,962,414.
UK High-End Computing Consortium for X-ray Spectroscopy (HPC-CONEXS), EPSRC (EP/X035514/1)
PI, Amount £371,871
Deep Neural Networks for Real-Time Spectroscopic Analysis, EPSRC (EP/W008009/1)
PI, Amount £1,403,949
Transforming the Analysis of X-ray Spectroscopy with Machine Learning, Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2020-268).
PI, Amount £263,550.
Femtosecond Coherences in Single-Molecule Magnets, EPSRC (EP/V010573/1)
CoI, Amount £878,389
rISC: The game of strategic molecular design for high efficiency OLEDs, EPSRC (EP/T022442/1).
PI, Amount £439,237
Advancing the Analysis of Time-resolved Spectroscopy using Machine Learning, STFC Physical Sciences Hub
PI, Amount £46,433
Previous Funding
- International Network on Polyoxometalate Science for Advanced Functional Energy Materials, EPSRC (EP/S031170/1)
CoI, Amount £878,468. - Collaborative Network on X-ray Spectroscopy (CONEXS), EPSRC (EP/S022058/1)
PI, Amount £103,012 - Strong Field Ionised Solvent Probed by X-ray Spectroscopy, NCCR MUST
PI, Amount £11,633 - Industrial Project
PI, Amount £25,000 - North East Centre for Energy Materials, EPSRC (EP/R021503/10)
CoI, Amount £1,833,674 - Portable femtosecond pump-probe facility (PORTO) for Dynamic Structural Science. EPSRC (EP/P001548/1)
CoI, Amount £465,600. - Understanding and Design Beyond Born-Oppenheimer using Time-Domain Vibrational Spectroscopy, EPSRC (EP/P001548/1)
PI, Amount: £258,412. - Probing Femtosecond Dynamics with Core Hole Spectroscopy: A Theoretical Approach. Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2016-103)
PI, Amount: £146,559. - Industrial Funding
PI, Amount £46,815. - Industrial Project
PI, Amount £24,879 - Industrial Project
PI, Amount £26,231 - Probing Femtosecond Hole Trapping in ZnO with X-ray Spectroscopy, NCCR MUST
PI, Amount £9,881 - On-the-fly Quantum Dynamics Accelerated by Graphical Processing Units. Royal Society (RG2016R1)
PI, Amount: £5,800. - Developing Advanced Computational Tools for Ultrafast X-ray Scattering. Research Excellence Academy, Newcastle University.
PI, Amount: £75,000 - The Excited State Properties of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters: A Computational Study Towards Molecular Design. EPSRC (EP/N028511/1).
PI, Amount £86,106. - Developing methods for simulating X-ray spectroscopy for molecules in solution: Internal Fund École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.
PI, Amount: 150000 CHF. - Computational simulations for ultrafast X-ray spectroscopy and diffraction of chemical and biological systems: Swiss National Science Foundation (200021-137717).
CoI, Amount: 157110 CHF. - Developing local control theory for multi-dimensional quantum mechanical systems. COST Scientific Mission (STSM-CM0702-04642).
PI, Amount: £3500.